Guest presenters in lectures

The company presents a topic, which is relevant for one of our modules in a maximum 90-minute lecture. This could, for example, be a lecture on web applications used by a company, the processes, tools and frameworks used to develop these web applications, and what special challenges the company faces. Past guest lectures

Computer Science Colloquium

For particularly outstanding topics, such as up-to-the-minute topics, exciting innovations or practical experience, the faculty organizes the Computer Science Colloquium two or three times a semester. This consists of a lecture lasting around 60 minutes with subsequent discussion. Ideally, the lecturer's company pays for drinks and snacks. Overview of past computer science colloquia

Summer School

During the summer semester recess, at the beginning and middle of July, students are offered courses on current topics. These are held by companies free of charge and take between one and three days. These hands-on courses offer participants the chance to get to know each other and to bring current practical knowledge to the university.

Freelance teaching

Employees from companies give a course on a current topic or from our standard curriculum. A course lasts 15 weeks and usually has a length of four 45-minute teaching units, three hours per week. We pay the teachers about €40 per 45-minute unit, normally tax-free if the teaching assignment is part-time as a second job.


The faculty is happy to receive donations or sponsoring, especially if one of the activities could win over employees for a company. Just contact us. For example, our iExpo, a trade fair at which students present exciting results from their courses at the end of each semester, is very well suited for sponsorship.